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December 18, 2018
SaaS Backup

Why SaaS Backup Should Be on Your Christmas List This Year

It’s that wonderful time of year when Christmas trees are lit, holiday music is in the air, the snow is falling, and gift exchanges with loved ones are happening. Speaking of gift giving, what do you get that special IT professional in your life? He or she probably has quite a few cloud applications to run. After all, the SaaS market is showing no sign of slowing down. 

Given all the cloud applications your IT pro is in charge of, the question comes up – are these apps protected with cloud-to-cloud backup? Data loss in the cloud, unfortunately, happens more frequently than people think, and it has serious consequences for businesses. 

The gift of cloud-to-cloud backup helps keep an IT professional’s mind at ease knowing that there is a secure, second copy of the company’s data. Still not sure why cloud-to-cloud backup should be under the tree on Christmas morning? Here are a few examples of how a company can lose data in the cloud:

  • Accidental User Deletion: This happens more frequently than people think. Typically data is deleted, and then the deletion isn’t realized until it’s too late. (With G Suite, a deleted email only stays in the Trash bucket for 30 days and then is gone forever.) Cloud apps offer more collaboration capabilities than ever before, and as more employees have access to documents, the risk of accidental deletion and user mistakes becomes high.

  • Overwriting Data: Overwriting data is a common problem which happens when large datasets are imported into applications via bulk downloads or when third-party applications are integrated into other SaaS applications.

  • Malicious Actions: It’s unfortunate, but untrustworthy people can be a reality for some companies. A person may delete a bunch of important documents before they quit or could delete crucial data to spite a coworker. Whatever the situation – whether it’s an angry employee or hacker – malicious deletions can happen.

Give the gift of secure, protected data this holiday season. For more details, check out our eBook, “Making the Case for Cloud-to-Cloud Backup”.


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Your cloud data could be just as vulnerable to the next wave of cyberattacks as data hosted on-premises

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Secure Office 365 data protection. Backupify delivers fast recovery of Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Calendar, Contacts and Microsoft Teams data.


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Google Vault alone does not ensure your G Suite data is recoverable. Quickly restore lost data from Gmail, Calendars & Contacts, Drive and Shared Drives with Backupify.


See Why Backupify Wins SaaS Backup