Ransomware and O365
July 18, 2017
Feature OverviewRansomware

[VIDEO] Live Office 365 Ransomware Infection & Recovery with Backupify

From NotPetya to WannaCry, ransomware is having a banner year in 2017 Unfortunately, for SaaS apps users, ransomware doesn’t discriminate against the location of data.

Cloud-based data in apps such as Office 365 is just as vulnerable to attacks.

To show exactly how Backupify protects business data against ransomware, we infected ourselves with ransomware and used Backupify for Office 365 to recover our data. Watch the full attack and recovery below.


SaaS Data Under Siege: Ransomware’s Rising Threat

Your cloud data could be just as vulnerable to the next wave of cyberattacks as data hosted on-premises

Office 365 logo

Secure Office 365 data protection. Backupify delivers fast recovery of Exchange, OneDrive, SharePoint Online, Calendar, Contacts and Microsoft Teams data.


Office 365 logo

Google Vault alone does not ensure your G Suite data is recoverable. Quickly restore lost data from Gmail, Calendars & Contacts, Drive and Shared Drives with Backupify.


See Why Backupify Wins SaaS Backup