Tips for Setting up a G Suite Domain
By Chris BrunauFor G Suite administrators, the choices made during the initial process of setting up the domain are important and will impact all sorts of things down the line, so it’s important to get it right the first time. That’s where we come in. In this blog post, we’ll highlight some of the steps and considerations for admins setting up their G Suite domain.
Signing Up for G Suite
When signing up for G Suite, you must determine what G Suite domain you want, which falls under the two basic categories of a Domain for Work and an Unlimited Domain. The main differences between the two versions (beyond price) are the amount of storage each user on the domain is granted – 30 gigabytes of space for Work, or unlimited storage space for Unlimited – and whether the Google Vault email compliance product is automatically included, or will cost you an additional $5 per user per month. Google offers a handy guide for comparing G Suite editions.
Guided or Self-Directed G Suite Setup
Once you have set up your domain and completed the initial forms for set up, admins must select between a guided setup by a G Suite or self-directed G Suite setup. G Suite Advisors are highly knowledgeable, but they follow specific “best practices” for setup that aren’t always right for everyone. That’s why, in our instructions, we deviate from the “natural” setup flow that G Suite suggests and endorse a do-it-yourself approach.
The G Suite Domain Setup Wizard
If you’re a first-time G Suite administrator, the smartest thing you can do is use the G Suite Domain Setup Wizard. The Wizard will walk you through the basic steps of rolling out a domain. The Setup Wizard will help with adding users, domain verification, activating your G Suite, billing, mobile apps, and the G Suite Marketplace. Once you’re through the Setup Wizard, you’re ready to dive in and custom-configure your G Suite domain.
In the next post, we’ll highlight how to configure and manage a G Suite domain. But, if you’re hungry for more G Suite domain set up assistance, download our full eBook now: How To Set Up A G Suite Domain.