setting up external mail
December 10, 2019
Google Workspace

Setting Up External Mail Servers: G Suite and Legacy Systems

Most likely, you already have an email system. If you don’t have an email system, you’re lucky. (Go directly to “Set up G Suite today.”)

Everyone else is stuck dealing with what we’ll call a “legacy system”: an email system that likely requires far more care and maintenance than G Suite. A switch to G Suite transforms email from an on-site server into a service.

That said, G Suite works well with legacy systems. That’s important because you’ll need G Suite and your legacy system to work together during your transition to G Suite.

Ideally, the email needs of your organization could be met with G Suite. However, there are times when that just isn’t feasible.

You’ll want G Suite to “play nicely” with outside servers at least twice: when testing G Suite and during the migration process. Some organizations choose to split email delivery between a legacy system and G Suite, with distinct groups of people on each system.

Other organizations use external mail servers alongside G Suite for a variety of compliance, filtering and security need — in addition to the need for archiving and backup.

To learn more, check out the full eBook: Setting Up External Mail Servers. This guide will teach you initial testing and migration best practices, long-term split email delivery, compliance and security requirements, content scanning and routing tips and tricks, and more. Download it today


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