Generic Backupify
October 02, 2014
Help Desk

Help Desk Admin Role Improves Flexibility and Security

As a security best practice, it’s always wise to make sure that administrators never have more permissions than necessary to do their job. Cloud collaboration technologies such as Google Apps and Box typically have a few permission levels that organizations should be sure they’re paying close attention to in order to understand who can do what. This is why we’re happy to announce the introduction of a new help desk role for Backupify administration.

In adhering to this, many of our customers have restricted Backupify administration to only a few high level administrators while lower level administrators lack the ability to interact with the Backupify interface. The addition of a new help desk admin role allows customers with multiple IT administrators (who may have fewer privileges in general) to now perform some actions such as metadata search, restore, etc. on behalf of end users without exposing functionality that may be unnecessary for a lower level administrator – thus reducing overall risk.

With the addition of the Help Desk Admin role, there are now three admin roles available in Backupify.

  1. The first is the Super Admin role which has privileges to do anything within Backupify.
  2. The second is a General Admin which is somewhat equivalent to the Admin role that previously existed. Users with the General Admin role can add users, and have full access and privileges to user data and history but do not have access to domain level functionality such as the ability to add a subdomain, the ability to assign administrative roles and the ability to add an additional app to Backupify. One important note for current Backupify customers is that administrators who are not the domain owner will be assigned the General Admin role.If you have administrators who are using the General Admin role but require any of the aforementioned permissions, you can make them a Super Admin.  
  3. The last (and newest) is the Help Desk Admin role which allows the admin to see only metadata (not content), initiate a backup and restore to the owner and view backup and restore history.

This new capability will give organizations the flexibility to expand Backupify administration to more administrators and free higher level admins to attend to other activities. At the same time the new role allows companies to tighten security by restricting privileges to those who need them. The overall result is a more secure and effective IT organization.


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