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July 09, 2013
Announcements / News

Six IT Security Blogs to Add to Your Reading List

Back in March we told you about 6 Cloud Computing Blogs You Should Be Reading. Today, we’ve collected and assembled six top IT security blogs that offer interesting, relevant, daily content on security issues. If IT security is your thing, check out our list below and if you read any good blogs that we should add to the list, let us know!

1. Tech Republic

TechRepublic is a great site and community for IT pros. The TechRepublic team offers frequent blog posts on the most pressing security issues with many posts focusing specifically on security in the cloud. TechRepublic has blogs dedicated to various IT topics. A favorite is the “10 Things” blog. Everyone loves a good list and in this blog, TechRepublic breaks down IT problems (and solutions) in 10 steps, tips, suggestions, etc. For example, one post describes 10 security questions that you should ask potential cloud vendors.

2. The Wired – Threat Level

This blog explores the intersection of government and online security. The blog takes a broader, global view of “privacy, crime, and security online.” Recent posts focus on the NSA news, U.S. drone activity, and reforming the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

3. Krebs on Security

This popular blog covers cybercrime and all things computer security. Daily blog posts are authored by Brian Krebs, a former Washington Post reporter who spent years covering computer security and privacy and tech. policy. There’s a great balance in coverage that ranges in focus from international cybersecurity posts to important product updates (ex. Critical Update Plugs 40 Security Holes in Java) to broader posts on thought-provoking security issues such as The Value of a Hacked Email Account.

4. Zero Day

Zero Day is a blog brought to you by ZDNet which covers both software and hardware security issues and vulnerabilities. Similar to Krebs on Security, Zero Day offers a mix of international security news, important vendor updates and general security stories.

5. McAfee Labs

As the world’s largest computer security company, McAfee is a well-established authority on IT security. The McAfee Labs blog covers new research and analysis on the IT security landscape. Many of the posts focus on the current email/social media scam of the moment. As phishing threats continue to rise, it’s helpful to know what “charity” emails should be avoided.

6. Cloud Security Alliance

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is “a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote the use of best practices for providing assurance within cloud computing.” Blog posts provide in-depth guidance on how companies can greatly improve security in the cloud. Members of the CSA include some heavy hitters such as Box, Symantec, and Salesforce  and the CSA blog frequently features guest posts by IT leaders at member organizations.

What cloud blogs and/or IT security blogs are on your daily reading list? For more insight on cloud-to-cloud backup and a variety of IT and cloud topics, be sure to follow the Backupify blog.


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