The Reality of Data Loss in the Cloud: Don’t Leave Your Data to Chance (Webinar)
By John DeWolfWe know, we know…SaaS usage is exploding and shows no sign of slowing down. But are companies backing up all the data stored in these cloud applications?
In her recently published report “Back Up Your Cloud Data Before It’s Too Late” Forrester analyst Rachel Dines reveals that companies are unfortunately leaving the door open to data loss by not properly protecting data in cloud applications.
During the upcoming webinar “The Reality of Data Loss in the Cloud: Don’t Leave Your Data to Chance” we team up with Rachel Dines to discuss the reasons why companies lose data in the cloud. Rachel will walk through the data restore policies from some of the most common SaaS applications out there – revealing some seriously important details often overlooked in the fine print of SLAs.
Joining Rachel on our panel will be David Hoff, CTO and co-founder of Cloud Sherpas. David will talk about how companies should go about their cloud-to-cloud backup strategy including providing tips on what to look for in a cloud-to-cloud backup solution provider.
Additionally Isola Group’s Craig Richardson will offer his perspective and experience as an end user. As the Global Director of Business Continuity and Cloud Services Craig is responsible for implementing strategic cloud initiatives such as a Google Apps (and Backupify!).