May 13, 2019
Google WorkspaceBackupify for Google Workspace

How to View Gmail Exports Locally

The Datto Knowledge Base provides a wealth of information about all things related to Datto. In this popular post from the Knowledge Base, we provide a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to view Gmail exports locally on a computer.

In this entry, we’ll provide detailed instructions on how to view your MBOX exports in Thunderbird. To get started, you’ll need to set up a mail account through Thunderbird in order to view MBOX exports in the application (The instructions below are specifically for Thunderbird). To view your Gmail MBOX exports in Thunderbird:

  1. Install “ImportExportTools” Add-On for Thunderbird

  2. Extract the zipped up email archive file provided to you

  3. Import the emails from the MBOX file for the label that you want to view

Importing to Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook only accepts a proprietary filetype when importing large numbers of emails called a PST file. We only export Gmail records in the MBOX file format and do not provide it in the PST file format.

To convert your MBOX file into a Microsoft PST file, you will have to use conversion software. For more detailed information about viewing exports locally on your computer, head over to the Datto Knowledge Base!


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